Terms and Conditions


Promotion Period

Promotion commences at 7:00am AEST on 14/12/2023 and ends at 5:00pm AEST on 18/12/2023 (“Promotion Period”) 
No entries will be accepted outside the Promotion Period

AmpCharge Pty Ltd  ABN 26 661 933 599 (and any of its Assignees) of 29-33 Bourke Road, Alexandria, NSW 2015

Eligible Entrants
Entry to the Ampol Formula SAE-A Promotion is open to any university student that resides in Australia or New Zealand that attends the Formula SAE-A during the Promotion Period and meets the Eligible Entrant requirements.  

Entry to the Promotion excludes managers, employees and contractors of the Promoter and other agencies, firms or companies associated with this Promotion, and their Immediate Family Members. Immediate Family Members means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin. 

Further, an Entrant will be ineligible to enter if they fail to abide by the Terms and Conditions or any laws, regulations and other applicable rules.  

Please see further terms in the Eligible Entrants section in the Terms and Conditions. 

The Promotion will been run during the Promotion Period, with the winner being informed by 20th December 2023, and prize to be redeemed on a date in 2024 as agreed between the Promoter and the Winner. If the Winner and Ampol cannot reasonably agree on a date to receive the prize in 2024 then the prize will be forfeited. 

The above dates are subject to change at the Promoter’s discretion. 

Method of Entry
For an entry to be valid (an entry), an entrant must, during the Promotion Period register their entry by:

  1. Scanning the QR code
  2. Providing accurate registration details
  3. Providing a 25 words (or less) response to the question “What innovative idea would you implement to improve performance and/or sustainability for Red Bull Ampol Racing?”
  4. Adhering to the eligible entrant requirements and all applicable terms 

Selection Process 
All Ampol Formula SAE-A entries will be provided to a panel of unbiased judges. This panel will select the best entry (“Winner”) to receive the prize.  

The judges will make this decision based on set criteria. This decision will be final. 

Maximum number of entries
This Promotion allows one entry per individual.

Prize Draw

The Winner will be contacted following the end of the Promotion Period to confirm their winning entry.

Details of Prizes 
The Winner will receive the following:

  1. Meet and greet for two with AmpCharge Ambassador & Red Bull Ampol Racing’s Team Principal Jamie Whincup, and Team Manager Mark Dutton 
  2. A tour for two around the Red Bull Ampol Racing / Triple Eight Engineering team factory 
  3. Red Bull Ampol Racing team merchandise packs for two people (including two hats and two polos to the value of approx. $200 total).
  4. Two return economy flights (if applicable) to Brisbane from the nearest domestic city airport (to the value of approx. $2,000). 
  5. One night’s accommodation in a twin room in Brisbane (with a maximum value of $350).
  6. One $200 prepaid Visa card for incidentals 

Total number of Prizes
1 prize winner. 

The winner must arrange installation of the AmpCharge EV Charger 22kW at their own cost.

Total Prize Value 
The total Prize value is approx. up to $2,750 (inc. GST) 

Notification of Winners 
Winner will be notified via email and SMS message (based on the contact details provided as part of the entry) following the conclusion of the judging period (20th December 2023). 

If for any reason the winner does not claim their Prize after multiple attempts (3 x emails and 3 x SMS messages over a 10-day period) from the Promoter to contact them commencing 20th December 2023, then the Prize will be forfeited and given to the next best entry determined by the judging panel.  

The Promoter will attempt to contact a maximum of 20 entrants if the original winning entrant is not contactable. If the Ampol Formula-SAE prize cannot be provided to a winner after the Promoter has attempted to contact 20 entrants, the Prize will be forfeited. 


1. These terms and conditions set out the rules of participation in the Promotion (Terms). 

2. By entering the Promotion, you guarantee that you have the authority to accept these Terms and you agree to be bound by the Terms.   

3. The Entrants must follow the Method of Entry during the Promotion Period to enter the Promotion. Failure to do so will result in an invalid entry. The Promoter will not advise an Entrant if their entry is deemed invalid.

4. Information on how to enter and Prize details form part of these Terms. The Terms must be read in conjunction with the Schedule. The Schedule defines the terminology used in these Terms. Where there is any inconsistency between these Terms and the Schedule, the Schedule prevails.  Participation in this Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms. In the event of any dispute regarding the Terms, results and all other matters relating to the Promotion, Promoter’s decision will be final and binding and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.

5. The Promotion will be conducted during the Promotion Period.

6. Any cost associated with participating in the Promotion is the Entrant’s responsibility. 

7. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost, delayed, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, corrupted, illegible or misdirected entries, claims or correspondence whether due to omission, error, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, disruption to any communication network or medium, or otherwise including those entries not received by the Promoter for any reason.  The Promoter is not liable for any consequences of user error including (without limitation) costs incurred. No correspondence will be entered into.

8. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage pursuant to these Terms does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

9. Third party social media platforms may be used to advertise or promote the Promotion. The Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or associated with those third party social media platforms. 

10. The Promotion is governed exclusively by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

Eligible Entrants 
11. If an Entrant is under 18 years of age, they must have their parent or guardian's consent to enter the Promotion and the parent or guardian agrees to these Terms. The Promoter reserves the right to request evidence of this consent in writing. If consent in writing is requested the Entrant will be required to include the words “I [name of Parent or Guardian] agrees to be bound by the terms of entry into the Promotion." in such written consent.

12. In the event the Entrant is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian agrees that the Prize, or Prize pool, whichever the case may be is not unsuitable to the Entrant (except for any part of the Prize that is expressly stated to be excluded to minors).

13. If a Prize-winning Entrant is under the age of 18 years of age, the Prize will be awarded to the winning Entrant’s nominated parent or legal guardian on behalf of the winning Entrant.

14. The Prize is specified in Details of Prizes section and the Total Prize Value section of the Schedule. 

15. The Promoter takes no responsibility where it is unable to contact Prize winning Entrants who have not provided correct or complete contact details. If an Entrant’s contact details change during the Promotion Period, it is the Entrant's responsibility to notify the Promoter. A request to modify any entry information should be directed to the Promoter.

16. It is a condition of accepting any Prize that the winning Entrant must comply with all the conditions of use of the Prize and the Prize supplier’s requirements. The Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel a Prize or otherwise cease to provide any benefit of a Prize to a winning Entrant and/or companion if the winning Entrant, and/or companion in the opinion of the Promoter, is under the influence of alcohol or any other drug, behaves aggressively or offensively, or behaves in a manner which may diminish the good name or reputation of the Promoter or any of its related bodies corporate (or of the business of the Promoter or any of its related bodies corporate), is contrary to law or is otherwise inappropriate during the Promotion Period or in the course of attending or using any Prize awarded (or any part of the Prize) or provided by the Promoter. Each Prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winning Entrant is unable to use the Prize as stated.

17. If a Prize is no longer available, the Promoter may substitute with a Prize of higher or equal value subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority. The Promoter is not allowed to deduct any administrative costs associated with provision of the Prize. Any Prize is valued in Australian dollars unless expressly stated to the contrary.

18. Prizes, or any unused portion of a Prize, are not in any way transferable or exchangeable. Where a Prize is unavailable for any reason (including if the Prize is abandoned, varied, called off or postponed for any reason), the Promoter may substitute the Prize in its discretion for another item of equal or higher value. 

19. Once Prizes have left the Promoter's premises, the Promoter and their associated agencies take no responsibility for Prizes damaged, delayed or lost in transit.

20. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax liabilities that may arise from an Entrant winning and accepting a Prize in connection with the Promotion. 

21. Nothing in these Terms limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), as well as any other implied warranties under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) or similar consumer protection laws in the States and Territories of Australia.

22. Except for any warranties or liability that cannot be law be excluded, the Promoter excludes all warranties, representations or guarantees (Warranties) regarding the Promotion and any Prizes, including any Warranties which may have been made in the course of advertising or promoting the Promotion. The conduct of the Promotion or the supply of Prizes may involve third parties, and the Promoter makes no representations or warranties in connection with any such third parties, their acts or omissions. 

23. To the extent permitted by law, by entering the Promotion, an Entrant releases and indemnifies the Promoter, its related bodies corporate and each of their officers, employees and agents from and against all actions, penalties, liabilities, claims or demands the Entrant may have against the Promoter or that the Promoter may incur for any loss or damage which is or may be suffered or sustained as a direct or indirect result of an Entrant entering or participating in the Promotion, winning or failing to win a Prize, or using or permitting any other person to use the Prize. 
24. If the Promoter does incur a liability to an Entrant which cannot by law be excluded, the Promoter’s liability in respect of the Promotion is limited, to either resupplying such goods or services as form part of the Promotion, or paying the cost of resupplying those goods or services, determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.
25. Under no circumstances will either the Promoter (or any of its suppliers or contractors) be liable for any loss or damage suffered which is indirect or consequential in nature, including without limitation any loss of profit, loss of reputation, loss of goodwill, or loss of business opportunity.

26. The Entrant acknowledges and agrees the Promoter may, at any time, without notice to the Entrant, assign, novate or transfer all or some of its rights and obligations pursuant to this Promotion to any third party. 

Collection and Use of Personal Information 
27. By entering the Promotion, Entrants consent to the Promoter’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information (including the Entrant’s name, telephone number, email address or social media identifiers and other personal information reasonably requested by the Promoter and provided by the Entrant in connection with this Promotion). If the Entrant does not provide personal information reasonably requested by the Promoter, their entry will be invalid. 
28. The Promoter will collect and store all personal information in accordance with all applicable privacy laws as well as its privacy policy, available at https://www.ampol.com.au/privacy-and-reporting-policy (Privacy Policy). In addition to any use that may be outlined in the Privacy Policy, the Promoter will use Personal Information for the purposes of facilitating the conduct of the Promotion and awarding any Prizes and may, for this purpose, disclose such Personal Information to third parties, including but not limited to agents, contractors, service providers, prize suppliers and, as required, to Australian regulatory authorities The Promoter may also, for a reasonable period, unless otherwise advised, use the personal   information for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes. By entering the Promotion, the Entrants consent to the Promoter or its agent contacting Entrants by any means about new offers or promotions available from the Ampol Group, even after the Promotion end date. An Entrant may opt out of receiving further communications of this nature from the Promoter by contacting the Promoter

29. The Privacy Policy contains information about how Entrants may opt out from receiving marketing communications from the Promoter, access, update or correct their personal information.

Intellectual Property
30. All Promotion materials and intellectual property remain copyright of the Promoter (unless other expressly stated by the Promoter). They must not be distributed to any third party at any time or in any form without written permission from the Promoter.

Termination of Promotion
31. If for any reason this Promotion is not capable of running as planned or if the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion is affected for any reason, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, change or suspend the Promotion without liability to any Entrant. 

Force Majeure 
32. In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability (or that of a third party involved with the Promotion) to proceed with the Promotion on the dates and in the manner described in these Terms and the Schedule, including but not limited to vandalism, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, pandemic, epidemic, government (state and federal) orders; the Promoter’s obligations in respect of the Promotion will be suspended for the duration of the event and, in addition, the Promoter (may in its absolute discretion) cancel the Promotion and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to approval of the relevant authorities.

33. Neither the Promoter nor any company or agency associated with the Events accepts responsibility for the cancellation or delay of the Events or races for any reason beyond their control.